Ecological seeds
Spice herbs & Medical plants
Fennel "Montebianco"
Fennel "Montebianco" - Foeniculum vulgare var. azoricum. Vegetable, spice and medicine! The period from full germination to harvest is 115 days (thickened stem formation). The plant is erect, branched, reaches 1.5-1.8 m in the flowe..
Prof Pack
Fennel "Montebianco" (Italian dill) (100 g)
Garden fennel "Montebianco". Vegetable, spice and medicine. The period from full germination to harvest is 115 days (thickened stem formation). The plant is erect, branched, reaches 1.5-1.8 m in the flowering phase. The rosette of leave..
Fennel "Orion" F1
Common fennel "Orion" F1. High-yielding hybrid variety. The vegetation period is 85 days. It forms white, fleshy tubers. Fennel is the closest relative of dill, more like anise by taste and odour. Tubers can be added to salads..
Fennel "Romanesco"
Italian fennel "Romanesco" - Foeniculum vulgare var. azoricum. Aniseed – flavoured dill–like vegetable, smooth and pure white bulbs used for food. The foliage and seeds are dried and frozen, a white bulbs can be baked, boiled o..
Eco seeds
Fennel "Romanesco"
Fennel "Romanesco" - Foeniculum vulgare var. azoricum. The period from full germination to the formation of a "head of stem" is 53-68 days. The plant is 55-60 cm high. During the flowering period up to 100-110 cm. The leaves are..
Prof Pack
Fennel "Romanesco" (Italian dill) (100 g)
Garden fennel "Romanesco". Aniseed – flavoured dill–like vegetable, smooth and pure white bulbs used for food. The foliage and seeds are dried and frozen, a white bulbs can be baked, boiled or stewed. This vegetable is highly r..
Fennel "Romy"
Fennel "Romy" - Foeniculum vulgare var. azoricum. Early-maturing variety of Italian dill. Vegetation period: 70-75 days following the sowing. 150-200 cm high. The bulb is round, weights 350-400 g. Fennels are the closest relatives of..
Fenugreek "Bird's foot" (greek-clover)
Fenugreek "Bird's foot" (Greek-clover) - Trigonella foenum-graecum. It is not demanding, but still grows best in fertilized and well-lit areas. As a spice, trigonella is especially appreciated by the peoples of Transcaucasia. It gives..
Eco seeds
Fragrant Flowered Garlic (Chinense chives)
Sweet-Scented Onion (Fragrant Flowered Garlic) - Allium ramosum = Allium odorum. Mild, pleasant scent! The leaves do not grow coarse throughout the summer! Mid-season (from germination to cutting leaves 30-37 days) variety of perennial rhizomatous ..
Garden Angelica (masterwort,  wild parsnip)
Masterwort (garden angelica, root of the holy ghost, wild celery, wild parsnip) - Angelica archangelica L. = Archangelica officinalis Hoffm. Family: Umbelliferae. Origin: Greenland, Northern and Eastern Europe to Central Asia. Special Feature..
Garden chervil "Commun"
Cow parsley "Commun" - Anthriscus cerefolium. Annual spice plant of 30-60 cm in height. Young fresh waved leaves before the bloomy period are used for food. Leaves have a nice anise scent. Due to chervil, your food becomes not ju..
Garden fennel
Garden fennel. The herbaceous plant is similar to dill. Stem height up to 100-120 cm. For open ground. Leaves with an anise aroma and a sweetish-spicy taste are used for food. Use: spicy-aromatic and medicinal. Fresh and dried leaves as a spice for..
Garden fennel "De Florencia"
Fennel "De Florencia" - Foeniculum vulgare Mill. ssp. vulgare var. azoricum. A perennial herbaceous plant of the umbrella family, 150-200 cm high. There are ordinary fennel and vegetable, or sweets. The latter is grown in order to ob..
Garden lovage "Libecek"
Garden lovage "Libecek" - Levisicum officinale koch. Early greenery in spring. A perennial herbaceous plant of the Umbelliferae family with a strong smell of celery, 150-200 cm high. Winter-hardy, needs soils rich in organic matter...
Garden rue "Herb of Grace"
Garden Rue - Ruta graveolens. Perennial medicinal and spice plant 60-80 cm high. Used as a seasoning for meat dishes and for pickling mushrooms. It is widely used in folk medicine as an anesthetic. Due to the fact that the plant contains ruti..
Eco seeds
Garden thyme
Сommon thyme (English thyme) - Thymus vulgaris L. A small perennial shrub. The stem is strongly branched, up to 30 cm high. The leaves are small (5-10 mm). The flowers are small, corollas lilac-pink, sometimes white. Blooms in May - June. 1.0 g =..
Eco seeds
Garden thyme
Garden thyme. Flowers: Summer. The origin of the word "thyme" is "to fumigate" and it was used originally as incense. It was considered in ancient and medieval days to be a great source of invigoration. Like lavender t..
Garden thyme
Сommon thyme (English thyme) - Thymus vulgaris L. A small perennial shrub. The stem is strongly branched, up to 30 cm high. The leaves are small (5-10 mm). The flowers are small, corollas lilac-pink, sometimes white. Blooms in May - June. 1.0 g =..
Garden Thyme (English thyme)
Garden Thyme - Thymus vulgaris. A perennial, medicinal, decorative, nectariferous, spice herb. Grows best in permeable, potassium loam or sandy loam, in a sunny place. Plants are cut down at the beginning of the blooming process. Fresh and drie..
Ginseng - Panax ginseng. Medicinal perennial from the Araliaceae family. Flowering plant height: 40 cm. Flower colour: white-green. Natural flowering period: June - August. Winter hardiness zones: Z5 - Z8. Very beneficial plant, roots very valu..
Goat's rue (French lilac, Italian fitch, Professor-weed)
French lilac (Italian fitch, Professor-weed, Goat's rue) - Galega officinalis. Abundant and long flowering. Perennial from the Papilionaceae family. Homeland: Eastern Mediterranean (from south to central Europe). Flowering plant hei..
Grass for Cats
Green vitamins for cats. Composition: contains a large number of nutrients and vitamins that your cat needs for a normal life. This variety can be grown throughout the year at home (each new crop with an interval of 2-3 weeks). When the plant..
Great Burnet "Little Red Tanna" (burnet bloodwort, Di-Yu)
Common burnet "Little Red Tanna" - Sanguisorba officinalis. Vitamin and medicinal greens that can be grown even on a windowsill! Perennial plant from the Rosaceae family. New in 2024 from JELITTO. Height of flowering plant: 30 cm. ..
Eco seeds
Great Burnet (burnet bloodwort, Di-Yu)
Common burnet - Sanguisorba officinalis. Vitamin and medicinal greens that can be grown even on a windowsill! Perennial herbaceous plant from the Rosaceae family. The period from full germination to the beginning of economic suitability is 90-..
Great Mullein (Aarons Rod)
Large-flowered Mullein (Great Mullein, Aarons Rod) - Verbascum densiflorum. It grows mainly on sandy soils. Biennial herbaceous plant 0.4-1.2 m in height. Rod root. In the first year, a rosette of basal leaves is formed; in the second year, an..
Showing 76 to 100 of 214 (9 Pages)